Race, Racism and the Law - Categories


Vernellia R. Randall at the University of Dayton has developed an expansive 

web resource on race and law. "Race, Racism and the Law" considers race,

racism and racial distinctions in the law. It examines the role of domestic and

international law in promoting and/or alleviating racism.”  


The web site follows the organizational arrangement of Derrick Bell's Race and

Racism in American Law (1993). The site is organized into broad categories, and

then subdivided into subtopics under each category.  Subtopics may include brief

encyclopedia-style entries, longer essays, references to legislation, cases and events,

lists or excerpts from law review articles, and links to web related web resources. 

The site is something  like a ‘wiki’ in that it invites others to add links to related resources. 


The site contents are summarized below.  Sections containing significant bibliographies or

resource lists are also included under the relevant subject areas in this wiki. Click on the links

below to access the sections of the web site that cover:  

Race/Racial Groups 

Citizenship Rights 


Basic Needs
